While we contract directly with residential and commercial property owners, developers and homeowner's associations, each of our contracts establishes a pact with the residents and tenants of each property. To that end, POA Support strives to provide information and resources that we feel will be of use to those living in or renting one of the many properties under our purview.
Below you'll find key contacts and information on what to do when particular situations arise. Please
Emergency ServicesCashiers-Glenville Volunteer Fire Dept (Jackson Co.):828-743-9544 Cashiers-Glenville Rescue Squad: 828-586-1911 Lake Toxaway Fire & Rescue (Transylvania Co.): 828-966-4900 Highlands-Cashiers Hospital: 828-526-1200 Transylvania County Hospital: 828-884-9111 Utility ServicesHaywood EMC (Electric):828-452-2281 | www.haywoodemc.com Utilities, Inc (Water): 800-525-7990 | www.uiwater.com Freeman Gas & Propane 800-277-5730 | www.freemangas.com Frontier (Phone & Internet; Jackson Co.) 800-921-8101 | www.frontier.com Comporium (Phone & Internet; Transylvania Co.) 828-884-9011 | www.comporium.com County & State ServicesNC Department of Transportation (State Roads)877-368-4968 | www.ncdot.gov/contact/ NC Wildlife Commission 919-707-0050 | www.ncwildlife.org/HaveaProblem.aspx |